Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Joseph Addison

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Dreaming of a White Christmas.

As we all know by now, Christmas in the Northern hemisphere falls in a most bizarre season... Winter. For most Southern Hemispherians (is that even a word?!?!) this is a most unusual concept, and one that takes some getting used to. Funnily enough though, I'm actually quite warming (no pun intended) to the idea of a wintery Christmas. More to the point, a WHITE Christmas! As I am entering winter number 3 (actually, more like settling in, as we were hit hard and fast and EARLY this year) I have still to experience snow on Christmas day...will this be the year? I can't help thinking that it will be, as I will be snugly wrapped up in Livingston, which, for those of us not great at UK geography, is about 15 minutes outside of Edinburgh in beautiful, scenic Scotland. Funnily enough, the idea of subzero temperatures is not as daunting as I though it would be. In fact, it sounds pretty APPEALING at the moment... I know, scary thought! So, perhaps the rumours are true and you do climatize to your environment when you've been there for long enough. Hmmm...gonna have to think about that one.
On Thursday (15th) we are going carol singing in Trafalgar Square, one of London's most well known attractions worldwide for various reasons. It is home to the National Gallery, and Nelson's Column. In the Christmas season, it is also home to a huge Christmas tree (over 25m actually). The tree is a traditional gift from the Norweigian people to commemorate Britain's support of Norway during the 2nd World War. Very interesting. I don't particularly think we'll be wondering about the history lesson behind Trafalgar Square while we're singing, humming or bobbing along to a line up of choirs singing all the old favourite carols though...

For more info, visit the link:
  • Trafalgar Square

    Blogger Clovergirl said...

    You can keep your 'acclimatising' nonsense Missy! I'm quite happy spending my Christmas holidays by the beach! No, the snow is beautiful, and being all bundled up at Christmas is certainly a bit romantic. I hope you have a great time! The internet definately needs loads of pictures of your carol singing and Christmas escapades!
    Keep up the fantastic work!

    12:08 AM


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