Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Joseph Addison

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Award Acceptance Speech

Right, blog challenge number one: Write an Award acceptance speech. (Amy, I cannot believe you're gonna make me attempt this!!!! Actually, I can't believe I'm actually gonna try.) Well, ready or not, here I go.

"Ladies and Gentlemen..." (This is too formal, I don't like it. Ok, scrap that)

"Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears..." (Nope not sounding right either. Man, this speech thing isn't for sissies! Third time lucky?)

"Wow (a tear glistens in the corner of my eye and I take a deep breath to compose myself. The roar of the crowd dies down). As many of you will know, this day has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. A dream that I never thought could become a reality. But now I stand here, accepting this award with great gratitute and affection.

This day could never have happened without certain key people in my life whom I would like to take a moment to thank. Firstly I would like to thank my parents who brought me into this world and raised me the way they did, my family- both direct and extended- I love you guys! (the camera pans across our table, capturing the brave, teary smiles) My friends who are here tonight, as well as the ones scattered across the world- you have been the people who have seen quite literally the good the bad and the ugly (laughs) and still stuck with it, I would be lost without you. No writer is complete without his muse, and I am lucky to have many of you.

Receiving the Orange prize is an honour any woman writer would happily accept (I take the prize) . This is for all you ladies out there with a dream, if I can do it, so can you- go for it!!!!!
(the crowd unanimously rise to their feet in deafening applause).

Ok, so maybe writing speeches is not my strong point. Sum it up in one sentence: "You like me, you REALLY like me!"

For assistance writing your own acceptance speeces, please see the following link: Academy Awards Acceptance Speech Generator


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