Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Joseph Addison

Friday, January 06, 2006

The Passion

Tonight is a big night in the Greystoke Palace. Three of us (the other three decided that we were not interesting enough to hang out with) are cooking a nice meal of roast chicken, salad and veggies (there will be wine and dessert as well) and then watching the Passion of Christ film. Why all together? Because we'll need each other for moral support! As Anneke said to me in her last e-mail: 'Do we have enough tissues?'. I certainly hope so! (can you see us all with puffy eyes in the morning? )

It's really funny, last night we were sitting in our room when Debbie got home and she had started reading The Final Quest, which is what I'm reading at the moment and I highly recommend it, and was so excited about the book that we spent the next hour reading part 1 of the book together. It went down so well that we are having session 2 (ie part 2 of the book) as our prelude to The Passion. What more could you ask for- Great food, great company and great entertainment. Bring it on!


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