London By Night
There is something magical about London at night. It's a great city in the daytime with people milling and buzzing and all of them intent on their own work and their own world, but by night it simply transforms. I'm not quite sure what it is, but something happens when the sun sets and all the lights come on that simply makes this an enchanting place. It's like the buzz of day changes slowly from a buzz to a melody. The air has a new expectation, a refreshing whiff that has nothing to do with the smells of the city as much as the smells of its people and...LIFE. Night time in London posesses a certain energy that is enticing and exciting, yet not overwhelming.
Whatever it is, there is something special about this place after sunset.

Oxford Street Sunset

Picadilly Circus

The Embankment

A church on Marylebone Road

The Eye and Embankment
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