Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Joseph Addison

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Well, here we go for lastminute.com! The Greystoke Palace girls have been spontaneous and we are heading to Wales for the week-end. We found a beautiful little cottage in the Welsh countryside with absolutely stunning views by the looks of things!

Since Anneke has a pool car for work we're driving up, which is even better! So after work on Friday we're jumping in the car and heading off on the A40 for a nice quiet week-end. It's more of a farewell anyway as Katie is leaving to ga back to Oz at the end of March, and this will be the last week-end we will all be together.

I am personally very excited about the SNOW that is supposed to be all over the show at the moment...maybe my white Christmas will be a white March. Nice for an early birthday present, I think!

Check out the scenery!

(I'll have to post my own photos so we can compare them...)


Blogger tato fantastico said...

hey pheonix... i drove up to wales with friends last year was absolutely awesome. get ready to get up and close with a lot of SHEEP. they are everywhere. we went to a little cottage in rhydd. the names are funny but hey, then we checked out carnarvon bay.. really cool. will post pics too.. make sure you take a lot of pics.. have a ball in cymru

11:40 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Ta, Mr Torongo. I'm sure it's gonna rock- we're going HORSERIDING on Sat!

10:51 AM


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