Easter Bank Holiday Week-End
Well, Easter week-end is drawing to a close, and what a week-end! It has been four days of absolute bliss. Lots of junk food, lots of socializing and lots and lots of fun!
We kicked off with a movie and pizza night on Thursday, which turned into a pizza and conversation night as we only watched one film... Singin' in the Rain (great choice of film though!)... and then ended up chatting and listening to music until 3am.
On Friday I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that required any physical energy. Loaded music onto my iPod and basically vegged out until about 7pm when I finally left the house to head over to Thamesmead to Frans and Susan's with Janet. I watched The Count of Monte Cristo for the first time. Great movie! I actually wasn't expecting it to be as good as that. Saturday we chilled most of the morning, went into Thamesmead to do some shopping for Janet's SA trip. We went for coffee at a little cafe called The Friends. They do real caff coffee. They type you can drink ten cups of without even realising it. It's just smooth and easy to drink. Saturday night we watched Ice Age 2 and if possible, it was even funnier than the first one.

Sunday was church. J John did the Easter special services and I laughed so hard I almost cried. It was a great day in the house, and SO many people made decisions to put Jesus first! It was VERY exciting! After church Kim and I headed over to her place and crashed there for the night. This morning we were going to head over to Hampton Court Palace to have a picnic in the gardens, but we ended up staying in Richmond in park and walking along the river. It was a really beautiful day, though a bit chilly when the sun disappeared behind the clouds. We had ice cream and more junk food and eventually headed back to her place. Watched the end of Shrek 2 for the hundredth time and then came home for the first time in 3 days. It's been a great week-end, but it's nice to be home. We're watching Ocean's Twelve now and then I'm goint to have an early night as tomorrow we have to drag ourselves out of bed early to go jogging again. Viva las Runners!

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