Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Joseph Addison

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Lying, Stinking CHEAT!!!!

Ok... I confess. I have been unfaithful to my loyal Blogger.com. I am having an affair with a website called DeviantArt.com which, as the name suggests, is about art. For me , it's about photography. It's a forum where you can post your work and other people can comment on it and help you improve your stuff. It's great!

Check me out at
  • PhoenixWingz

  • Also, we are mourning the loss of a great and trusted friend today. Mr. Torongo's laptop died last week and we are all missing his blogging because of it. I would like to observe a moment of silence on his behalf:


    Ok. Thank you, I feel better now.

    On a lighter note- the weather is warming up some... YAY! It's starting to feel like summer with long days and no more winter coats. Note I don't say LACK of coats, just not WINTER coats. It's a big step!

    It was Kim's birthday yesterday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! - and we are going bowling and ice skating on Friday night. Can't wait! I can't remember the last time I went Ice Skating, it has been YEARS! Hopefully it will be Skating, not falling. But even if it is falling, it will be funny anyhow.

    Well, that's me at the moment... I will be continuing my adulterous affair with DevArt, so please do keep your eyes open for any new photo's and things going up there. You can find the link there on my sidebar, under 'This Is Me'. Just for those of you who will forever forget this post and then not know where to go again. I love you all anyway. :)


    Blogger tato fantastico said...

    Happy Birthday to kim... send my love. you Jezebel

    9:37 PM


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