Me, Myself, I
It's been another great week-end in the house. I didn't hear Phil Baker yesterday, I hear he was great, but I did hear Gary. And was the man on FIRE yesterday! I haven't heard him preaching that powerfully in ages. He spoke about dealing with 'Self', and the things we can do to facilitate the change from the old nature to the new nature.
The things were:
1) Desire Change
2) Prayer
3) The Word of God
4) The House of God
5) The Holy Spirit.
Ok, so you need to WANT to change, otherwise you wont. That makes sense. Now we get to Prayer, the Word and the House. This, he said, should highlight the best AND the worst in you. He said that in these places you should realise what the worst in you is, so that you can start dealing with it, and subsequently bring out the best. How cool is that?
He also said that God gave us the church so we could be in a place where it was safe to have the worst come out. A place where there would be no judgement, and the people around you would HELP you move forward, not hinder you. Boy, did religion ever get THAT wrong!!!
And then comes the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the counsellor (you'll need one when you realise how much is actually wrong in your life... ;) ) and as such helps empower us to make the changes that need to be made.
It was a really good message actually, one that got me thinking about many things, and that is always good. ;)
Then afterward we had a coffee team farewell for Mani who is moving to Berlin this week. It was a bittersweet moment as saying good bye always sucks, but we were all really excited about the great plans God has for his life!

Thanks it was great to read this. Yes and is it real... We need to do it every day. Thanks. Keep up God's work.
no pain no gain!!!!
1:03 AM
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