Well, it's Saturday morning and I'm off to work in a few minutes. So far the week-end has started of really great- we had Hillsong life at a bar in Soho called Bertorelli. Really nice place- it was used in the film 'Sliding Doors'.

Today looks like a beautiful day, which, hopefully will continue so we can start enjoying the summer! I am somewhat sleep deprived at the momnet, as this week I couldn't seem to get to bed before about 1am, so hopefully after work I will be able to get some down time and maybe, just maybe, catch up on some sleep.
Looking forward to a great day tomorrow at church with Phil Baker speaking and bringing a few 'movie messages' our way. Last year we had Finding Nemo and Moulin Rouge. I'm wondering what we have this year...??? Anyway, that was just a quick update, I'll be back soon, so WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!
bertorellis (sp?) is a cool venue. Lots of fun that night.
12:43 AM
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