Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Joseph Addison

Thursday, July 13, 2006


I was writing this post yesterday, and it was a LONG one. All about Gary's message on Sunday and then, guess what??? My PC crashed! It just stopped. Froze. Wouldn't do anything. At all. I had some charming thoughts and wonderful phrases started forming in my subconscious, most of them unpleasant and having something to do with a PC hard drive, a machete, petrol and a lit match... (you get the picture)

So I had to restart. You know, I never fully appreciated the wonder of the gmail 'draft autosave' until yesterday... when I realised that Blogger.com is not gmail and they do not have autosave. *Gulp* You guessed it (I hear that sharp intake of breath... the sheer horror and disbelief is felt even through the channels of cyberspace.) I lost it. ALL of it. Well, actually, I had the 1st paragraph saved, but hadn't bothered to save again. (And as I am typing this I'm thinking I should save this one before something happens to this as well.... hold on... OK, I saved it.) But you know how once you've spent all that time and energy typing and pouring your thoughts out once, you just can't seem to face it again? (thus the appeal of multi-person e-mails...) So I guess that means it's lost. Gone. Dead and buried. But I thought I might just pay it a tribute, since it was a LOT of typing to just go missing without anyone knowing about it.

To all you bloggers who have lost a post before....

This one's for you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ja on sunday in the morning service with john bevere speaking i was taking notes on my PDA and about halfway through the message i stupidly erased everything, i was grumpy! but after a few mins I calmed down and went back at it.

11:23 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Sucks, huh? I hate that feeling of 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!'

12:12 PM


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