Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Joseph Addison

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Word Verification?

Ok, so any of you who have tried to comment on this blog and many other blogs will have come across something known as 'Word Verification'. This little tool is marvelous in the blogging community as it blocks computer generated spam comments. The last thing we want on our blogs are sleazy comments from people who don't even read what we write! I do, however, have ONE gripe... Why is it called WORD verification? I have never had to actually had to verify a WORD, just garbled text. The last 'word' I had was KYRNPVC. Now I don't speak Russian, but even if I did I don't think I would find that in their vocabulary! So here's a thought: Word Verification 2006: Encouragement Version.

Scenario: Someone wants to leave a comment on a blog, they type their comment and post. Word Verification 2006: Encouragement Version kicks in with 'Please verify the word in the box below'
And in the box:
Have a nice day!
You're beautiful!
or something.
Wouldn't that be better than nonexistant Russian words?
I think I'm onto something here...


Blogger Clovergirl said...

You are SO onto something! That would be unreal!!
My old guestbook used to get comment spam - and it was advertising! It wasn't for anything exciting, just accounting software or something lame like that.
My word today: vmbxsdp
(Oops, I must have entered it WRONG because my new word is now: gmpzpu!)

11:34 PM


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