Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Joseph Addison

Friday, September 15, 2006

Back by Popular Demand (or, Part 2…)

Well, due to the huge success of Part 1 and numerous requests for more, this is Part 2 of the Saga. (fine, it was 2 requests, but humour me, ok?)

So much has happened since Part 1, I can’t even begin to tell you, so let me say this, I’m getting married…. (HAHAHAHAHA, just checking to see if you’re concentrating, I think I would be more surprised than you at this stage if that were true)

I went to Boulders beach with my mum last week, it is such a beautiful little place. It’s a penguin sanctuary, and basically, you have penguins that walk? waddle? (whatever) right past you while you sit there. If you’re brave enough to face the freezing cold water they swim right past you. They are the cutest! I got some really great photos, I think the one may have been posing for the camera… I’m not sure, but he certainly became VERY aware of me when the camera came out. In fact he seemed to be trying to get my attention. Hehehe, what do you know… Vanity Penguin!

On a less gooey note (is that how you spell gooey? Must be, Thesaurus has positively identified it as: sticky, viscous, thick… blah blah blah) Anyway, here in Cape Town all the workers for Checkers (that’s like Asda or Tesco) have been on strike for over a month. Now, in case you have no experience with South African style strikes, let me enlighten you: Partakers do not sit and discuss the matter quietly and come to an agreement (some try, not many succeed) they run amok. There is usually much vandalism, looting and general chaos. Well, on Tuesday the rioters came charging through the centre where I work. Yes, that’s right, they came right past my front door, in fact. It was rather surreal, I heard what sounded like gunshots outside, hastily ended my phone conversation and ran to lock the front door. As I got the door closed the first of the rioters came running past. Needless to say, I got out of sight as soon as possible. There were 50-60 men who threw bricks and rocks through the glass doors at the centre entrance, they ripped the doors off and charged into Checkers, where they also tore the doors down, broke open all the tills and emptied them, stole all the cigarettes and generally destroyed whatever they could get their hands on. Then they charged back out and had the police on their tails in a matter of minutes. Hectic. Full on reality check there. The next day we had ‘hired thugs’ protecting the centre. Guys in full riot gear with shields and clubs and the works, just in case the rioters decided to come back. What an experience! I tell you the amazing thing though, after my initial fright wore off, I was so calm and collected. I sat on the floor and prayed the word: ‘He will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.’ And I had no fear. God was there, sitting on the floor next to me telling me that it was ok. It was fantastic.

Ok, enough of that, change the subject. I’m going to a Jazz festival tomorrow evening with my mum and a friend. Can’t wait, sounds like it’s gonna be brilliant! One thing though, I was sorting out what to wear since it will be a nice evening out and I have pretty much been living in my jeans since getting back when SHOCK, HORROR, I tried on my trousers and…yes, that’s right… THEY WON’T EVEN DO UP ANYMORE!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! It’s all the home cooking and mum feeding me every time she gets an opportunity, it has taken it’s toll, and now? My clothes don’t fit! So as of today I’m watching what I eat, and next week I’m starting cycling so I can shake off this weight that has firmly planted itself on my person without invitation. (why do I suddenly get a feeling of gloom hanging over me?)

Sigh, on that note I’m signing off Part 2. Please send news, or comments or whatever.


Blogger Clovergirl said...

Married!! Can I be a bridesmaid?? Is he cute???

11:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey miss! Someone impersonated you at Hillsong Women last week... did you hear? It was quite fun... I was a bit concerned that there would be riots if someone else stood up as 'Marcia', but everything was ok...

6:52 PM


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