Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Joseph Addison

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Life...Or Something Like It

Firstly, yes, I do realize that it has been some time since I tormented all of you with my random ponderings on life and all things like it :) Rest assured this silence has in no way been a bad silence, it was much more a reflective, comfortable silence… such as the type you experience when much has been said that deserves some good chewing on internally. This chewing, meditating state has, for the last few weeks, been my constant mindset. It seems there is an endless source of subjects worth pondering all of a sudden.

My Hillsong College application has been deferred so that my enrollment date is now July 2007, not January. This was a tough decision to make, but much prayer and deliberation has confirmed that it was the right one. The moment I set foot back on South African soil God started working on my heart about all sorts of things, from my perspective about my family right through to my heart towards him. I know that this work is far from finished. Leaving in January would have left this foundation half-laid, and that is no way to start a new season in a new country. But as Paul said in his letter to the Philipians: And I am sure that God, who began the good work in you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus comes back again. (Phil1:6) I am hoping it won’t take quite as long as waiting until the day Christ returns…but hey! :)

Psalm 119:25-32

I lie in the dust, completely discouraged;
Revive me by your word.
I told you my plans, and you answered.
Now teach me your principles.
Help me understand the meaning of your commandments,
and I will meditate on your wonderful miracles.
I weep with grief;
Encourage me by your word.
Keep me from lying to myself;
Give me the privilege of knowing your law.
I have chosen to be faithful;
I have determined to live by your laws.
I cling to your decrees.
Lord, don’t let me be put to shame!
If you will help me,
I will run to follow your commands.

I love these few verses! They have been my prayer for the last 2 weeks. My favourite part is the fact that the Psalmist says I HAVE CHOSEN to be faithful. I HAVE DETERMINED to live by your laws. It is not something he leaves to chance, or even to his emotional state. He has already made the decision to do so. Even though he is downtrodden, discouraged and weeping, he knows that the only thing that can revive him is the word of God. His trust is completely in God.

I heard a very interesting statement about trust in God. Ps 119:105 says that ‘Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.’ Notice that the Word is a lamp, not a spotlight. God does not light up the entire way ahead of us. Just enough for us to not hit our foot against a rock. You see, if we could see the whole path we would not need to turn to God to ask for directions. This way, we are forced to make a choice- I can run in the direction I think I should go and run the risk of falling off a cliff, or I could learn to trust that God will direct my footsteps as he promises. When God told Abraham to move he did not say ‘Pack up your life and go due east for 60km, then turn to the north and go on for 2 days….’ No, he said ‘Go to the land which I will show you.’

I guess for the most part, my thoughts have been turning around the faithfulness of God. About how every aspect of who he is, is in response to our seeking him and how every part of his personality is a blessing to us. He is Yahweh Rapha- God who heals. Yahweh Yireh- God who provides. Yahweh Nissi- The Lord my banner. Yahweh Bore- The Lord Creator. Yahweh Shalom- The Lord is Peace. On top of all this, he is the Lord who ANSWERS. He is the answer. But he cannot be the answer until we ask the question, so His Spirit will prompt the question in us. The Psalms speak of this often- I cried out to God, and He answered me, but the best description of it I found in a song:

I called, you answered.
Lord you came to my rescue
and I want to be where you are.

That’s it. Plain and simple. I called and He answered. May He do the same for you.


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