Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Joseph Addison

Monday, November 27, 2006

Who Don't You Think You Are?

Pastor Paul Scanlon and the Abundant Life Ministries Worship team were visiting us yesterday from Bradford. It felt like home to have the type of worship I am used to and the same preaching style as we used to have at Hills.

He spoke on identity, but he had a whole different take on it. He said what’s going to stop you from reaching your potential is not who you are, but who you DON’T THINK you are. What if who you don’t think you are is who God wants you to be? How will you achieve what God intends for you?

In Numbers 13 we see the 12 spies bringing report on the Promised Land. 2 of them, Joshua and Caleb, bring a good report, but 10 of them bring a negative report. They said that ‘We were as grasshoppers in their eyes.’. That was their identity in their own eyes. They were grasshoppers. They did not think that they were conquerors. So who they did not think they were stood in their way.

Here’s the thing though: do you really think that God would ask a grasshopper to do something beyond its capacity or potential? If God is asking you to do something great in your generation he knows you can do it.

Now THERE’S a thought!

Who are you?
Who don’t you think you are?
What if you’re wrong?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He did the same one when he was here in London with us :)

Is good ....

11:29 AM


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