Today is the 31st of December 2006. It’s 8pm. There are only 4 hours left of this year. I have to say that today was a fantastic finish to the year. We went to the Cape of Good Hope, which is the most South Western point of South Africa. It’s a beautiful nature reserve with a little cable car called a funicular that goes up the mountain. We had an early breakfast there and went up to the top where there is an old lighthouse that is no longer in use due to the fact it is 259m above sea level and it often used to be under cloud cover so boats couldn’t see it anyway. They rebuilt the lighthouse further down at a height of 87m above sea level.
From the top of the mountain there is an incredible view of the Cape. You can see for miles and miles and miles in all directions. Today was windy, but very sunny, so the sea was the deepest blue you can imagine. We saw dolphins in the water having a grand ole time. Now imagine standing on the edge of a cliff and seeing the ocean crashing over the rocks below. There are seagulls surfing the air currents about halfway between you and the water. The mountain tapers down to the sea and on a rock pinnacle there stands a single building – the lighthouse. It looks lost and lonely with only the birds and breakers to keep it company. In the distance you see mountains silhouetted on the horizon and right beside you climbs a sheer face of rock that is so straight it looks as though it has been severed with a knife. The sun is basking on you but the fresh sea breeze cools you down perfectly and you can actually taste the salt in the air. It is as close to heaven as you can get. That is definitely a highlight of this year.
At the close of the year and another chapter it is always a good time for Selah. Pause and think. Think about life and what events have shaped and formed you. Think about what direction your life is taking and to reassess if you are where you want to be. Are you satisfied with turning the page and closing off this chapter?
The last 12months have been…eventful, to say the least. I don’t think I have been through so many emotional highs or lows in any other 12 month period. I don’t think I have ever grown as much either. It has been a valley of weeping and a place of refreshing springs. I must admit that I am relieved the year is drawing to a close. I’m grateful for all it has achieved in my life, but I am looking forward to a new season and a new beginning.
I pray for you that 2007 is a year of new beginnings. A year of dreaming big. A year that meets and exceeds every one of your expectations.
Fare thee well 2006.
Bring it on 2007!

PHOTOS!!! Finally!!! HELLO Marica, it's been so long since I've seen you! Bought a tear to my eye!
1:15 AM
Oops, Marica ;-)
1:27 AM
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