The Pilgrims Progress
Ok, so my friend Clovergirl wrote this really beautiful post that really got me thinking about my own life and my own story. It’s a story of redemption, of love of forgiveness and most of all, of healing. I never realized I needed to be healed. In fact I never thought of myself as broken. It’s not that I didn’t think of myself, in fact, I though about myself all the time. Turns out that was part of the problem.
I heard a really beautiful story once: A teacher asked her young class of 30 kids a question-
“If you are looking after yourself, how many people do you have looking after you?”
“One.” Came the unanimous answer.
“Ok, so if all of you look after each other, how many people do you have looking after you?”
You could see the wheels turning and the little eyes widen in surprise as they did the math and realized that if they stopped worrying about themselves and started worrying about the people around them, suddenly the one turned to twenty-nine.
I never got that. Not really. With me, it was always number one first. I knew how to smile and what to say and how to act to make people think I was a nice person. I knew when to speak and when to shut up. I knew how to jump through hoops- if I would benefit from it. Now I’m not saying I was all bad, but I knew how to get what I wanted, and I used that to my benefit. I had lots of friends, but I dreaded letting anyone get really close to me. I didn’t want them to see that I was afraid, afraid that if they got close and saw me for what I was they would reject me. Even more, I was afraid that if I let them get close that I would start to care, and when you care, you can get hurt. When I was 15 my dad died in a motorcycle accident. I never learned how to deal with my grief, so I carried it with me wherever I went. It was the baggage that accompanied every one of my relationships. “Don’t let them in, then they can’t hurt you.” That became my philosophy. I closed my heart. I locked it and broke the key. I went from one relationship to the next, every time running a mile when I found out that someone started to care about me. I hurt many people in the way I feared being hurt and held no regard for their feelings, after all, if they wanted to feel, let them feel. I was on a one way downward spiral, and I didn’t like myself very much by that time. In fact I don’t think I like anyone very much, but I still knew how to ‘keep up appearances’. Nobody knew any better. The war inside me was pulling me to pieces and outside I was still smiling as sweetly as ever.
Then God happened.
Now let’s backtrack a little to about a month before my dad died. I was sort of involved in our school youth for Christ at the time, because some of my friends were there, so I went along. I figured I’d give it a try. I had been going to Sunday school since forever so decided that I would become a Christian. (note that this was all on MY terms, and according to MY convenience) I played the part and went along, I even tried prayer a few times. It didn’t do much for me, I didn’t FEEL anything. I always thought there should be more. Then the bomb dropped- “We’re sorry, your Dad was in an accident. He didn’t make it.”
WHAT? You’re kidding right? This a sick joke….right? No, turns out it’s real. Ever noticed how religion becomes really hollow in a situation like that? Where was God in all this? How could he let this happen to me? Blah Blah Blah. Me…me…me. I…I…I. Needless to say I got angry with God. I didn’t want much to do with him if he couldn’t look after me.
Back to ‘then God happened’. I was in London, had been there for a year and had been getting myself into al sort of situations I knew I shouldn’t be, but I didn’t really care. Then a friend invited me to church. In fact, she had invited me a few times, and I had excused myself every time. I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want people to look at me and judge me. I didn’t want to look at my own life and somehow I knew that in church I would have to. But this time, she was staying at my place for the week-end, so I couldn’t really get myself out of it. I went. It was March the 7th 2004. She took me to Hillsong London, in the Mermaid Theatre at Blackfriars. I walked in and thought- ‘You’ve got to be kidding. This is NOT a church.’ But it was. There were people on the door to welcome us, there was a buzz in the foyer, a real excitement. I was blown away- people actually ENJOYED being there. People were happy to see me. The smiled and said hello (for anyone who has experienced London, you’ll know that this is an unusual occurance) and they seemed like pretty together people. There was a sign lit up as we walked in that said ‘Welcome Home’. I didn’t understand what I was feeling, a joy and a peace that I had never felt. I did feel welcome, it did feel like home, I felt like I ‘fit’. I enjoyed the service, the music was upbeat and lively, the people were singing along and dancing and no one in the congregation seemed over the age of thirty. At the end of the service there was an altar call. Oh boy. I hardly heard what was being said, my heart was racing, my blood was pumping, I felt cold all over, but I felt hot at the same time. My cheeks flushed. I didn’t know if I wanted to stand up or sit down or run outside or all of the above. Then came the question: If you would like to put your life right with God then raise your hand. And God said “You.” Me? “You, I want YOU.” What do you say when God says he wants you? I did the only thing I could think of- I put up my hand. Then I prayed the sinners’ prayer and that was it. I was a Christian. For real this time.
Contrary to popular belief it didn’t end there. My life wasn’t suddenly moonlight and roses and everything most certainly was not peachy. In fact, the next morning there seemed to be more wrong in my life than ever before, but this time the difference was that I wasn’t doing it alone anymore. I had to deal with many things and I’m still dealing with many things today. A few times I’ve wanted to throw in the ropes and say “That’s it, God. Let’s just call it quits.” But every time he has come through for me. He taught me how to love, first to love myself in order that I could love others. He showed me that nothing I do could make him love me more or less. He showed me that no matter what my past looks like, he has a future before me unlike anything I could ever imagine. But mostly he showed me that on my own I would only ever be crooked, at best, but with him I am complete.
I don’t deserve his love, his mercy or his forgiveness, yet he gives it freely to me every single day. He looks at me and sees Christ. He counts me as one of his children. These things are the miracle of God, a miracle I am thankful for every day. I pray he touches your life as profoundly as he continues to touch mine.
And so, the journey continues…