Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Joseph Addison

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I had so much fun on our previous chain poem that I feel it merits a second round... What do you think?
So here we go:

I stood and stared
as you smiled with outstretched hand
and the thorn pierced
as I looked in the eyes of my enigma.

Could a man smile in the midst of pain?
Maybe it hurts less that I thought.
The spear drives in, (Mr. T)
still my mask remains.

A puppet in the hands of the master Puppeteer.
You pull the strings
and tie my heart in knots as I am tangled,
woven in the threads of your lies.

I've believed you before,
but dare I do it again?
your charm overwhelms me and the lock on my heart begins to crumble. (Mr.T)

Despite my best efforts the door swings open and reveals
the intricate ticking of my soul-
the vulnerable inner working
that you use to bend and manipulate me to your will.

Though I smile on the outside
everything within me screams.
The familiar feeling of emotions leaving,
I am given to you.
All I do now is wait (Mr.T)
for the end. Or is it the beginning?

I am empty. Void of meaning and life.
You took all I was and tipped it out
as coffee dregs down the drain.
Now that I have gone I find
that something stirrs.
Something familiar yet dormant for the longest time.
I feel it as the awakening begins.

Eight (Sun)days and counting...

Here's a scary thought for you... I only have eight Sundays left before I go. That means eight days of church. Yikes! Two months seems like a long time, but I just realised how short that really is. *Sigh* but I need to get used to the idea very quickly, otherwise it's gonna wipe me out when the day comes to say goodbye.

I'll be resigning my job at the end of June. That's something to look forward to- especially my boss's response. But that is the most exciting part about leaving, is the fact that I can find another job, hopefully in a slightly more normal environment.

My shipping boxes are arriving on Thursday, and then I will start sorting out what is going to SA and what is going to Oz. Also what is staying behind. Hmmm... that's gonna be a tough one. I'm gonna have to be really strict with myself, maybe I'll get Debs to help me- she will be firm and not allow me to keep anything that I don't really need... (no matter how badly I want it).

Anyway, this is just a bit of rambling on my part. I've been getting a bit emotional lately, just when I hang out with people I care about so much and realise that I'm gonna say goodbye soon.
Ok, ramling over. I'll be back again soon, hopefully with some interesting information.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Son of God

Son of God,
Son of Man.
Your cause was just, your motives true.
Sent by the Father
with abounding mercy
and love unconditional.

Son of God,
Son of Man
who lived by faith
yet died by human hand-
killed by ones you came to save.

Son of God,
Son of Man
betrayed with a kiss of greed
to those who knew not what they did
when they condemned you.

Son of God,
Son of Man.
Man of many sorrows,
mocked and spat on, beaten and killed… for what?
To buy my healing and my life.

Son of God,
Son of Man
whose blood was shed to cleanse my soul.
Who overcame the grave
and rose again to life eternal.

Son of God,
Son of Man
on whose shoulders rest the government
and who is
yesterday, today and forever

Son of God, Son of Man,
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace
King of kings, Glorious Redeemer
and forever more
My own, my all
my Lord and Saviour.

25 May 2006

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Busy... busy... as usual.

Well it's been another busy week in the city. Last night we had a biblical economics seminar with Jeff Lestz. It continues tonight and I am REALLY glad I was there! I'm learning so much about finance from a biblical perspective and I'm LOVING it!

My time is running very short now, and I'm starting to feel the nerves as I realise how much I still have to do before I go. I still have to arrange a going away do... but that will hopefully not be too much of an issue.

Anyhoo- here are a few of the pics from Kimbo's b-day thing on Friday.
Enjoy. :)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Lying, Stinking CHEAT!!!!

Ok... I confess. I have been unfaithful to my loyal Blogger.com. I am having an affair with a website called DeviantArt.com which, as the name suggests, is about art. For me , it's about photography. It's a forum where you can post your work and other people can comment on it and help you improve your stuff. It's great!

Check me out at
  • PhoenixWingz

  • Also, we are mourning the loss of a great and trusted friend today. Mr. Torongo's laptop died last week and we are all missing his blogging because of it. I would like to observe a moment of silence on his behalf:


    Ok. Thank you, I feel better now.

    On a lighter note- the weather is warming up some... YAY! It's starting to feel like summer with long days and no more winter coats. Note I don't say LACK of coats, just not WINTER coats. It's a big step!

    It was Kim's birthday yesterday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! - and we are going bowling and ice skating on Friday night. Can't wait! I can't remember the last time I went Ice Skating, it has been YEARS! Hopefully it will be Skating, not falling. But even if it is falling, it will be funny anyhow.

    Well, that's me at the moment... I will be continuing my adulterous affair with DevArt, so please do keep your eyes open for any new photo's and things going up there. You can find the link there on my sidebar, under 'This Is Me'. Just for those of you who will forever forget this post and then not know where to go again. I love you all anyway. :)

    Monday, May 08, 2006

    Blog Challenge: Chain Poem

    Ok, this is our new Blog challenge- we are creating a chain poem.
    See the original post by Mr. Torongo

    This is the poem as it's going so far:

    (And the Challenge Continues.............)

    dark clouds scream across the sky,
    blotting out the sun in my soul. (Mr. Torongo)

    Et tu, Brute?
    I cannot believe one so dear
    could turn
    and drive the fatal spear home.
    If love had wages
    surely pain could not be it? (Phoenix)

    Still, paid in full am I.
    Unsure who to curse...
    for you wrenched my heart out and wrung it like a wet cloth
    or Love
    for she sent me the wrong way on a one way street. (Mr. Torongo)

    Though I see collision
    I cannot turn.
    My heart will not take heed.
    Like old black and white stills
    scenes flash in warning
    as I race toward my prize. (Phoenix)

    Emotions in full motion
    the vehicle gains momentum.
    The saving hour is passed
    my destiny is sealed.
    If only this cup could pass me by...
    Nevertheless- this was my will (Mr. Torongo)
    and my will be done.
    Or so it always has.

    Is there no end to this... myself?
    The thing I love and loathe
    and know and don't.
    I saw you as saviour when I couldn't be
    and hoped you could atone for my sin.
    I placed you on the pedestal you fell from
    and so I fell with you. (Phoenix)

    Entangled in your deception
    Trapped in my imperfection.
    A once promising sky fills with grey
    ...Hope sinks eternal. (Mr. Torongo)

    As the first drops pelt the earth
    I pause and look
    toward the heaven
    where once I saw despair.
    I now find hope.
    Can it be that at the end of my grace
    I find a new Grace?
    A Mercy that is new every day? (Phoenix)

    I have heard about this before
    yet somehow I never believed
    how when all else fails
    and darkness consumes all I see
    there is still a light that echoes through eternity.
    It vibrates in my soul, brings tears to my eyes.

    I have heard about it before
    yet somehow I never conceived
    that Light was betrayed and darkness reigned
    for this cause:
    Only so the Light could reign and darkness never again.
    My eyes have opened-
    I see beauty that makes this heart adore -
    I see hope of a life spent in Light. (Mr. Torongo)

    Once betrayed,
    Dark clouds scream across the sky
    that Light is risen.
    The Debt is paid.
    And the new Son rises in my soul. (Phoenix)

    On Mr. Torongo's suggestion I am including the photo inspired by the lines:
    Unsure who to curse...

    for you wrenched my heart out and wrung it like a wet cloth
    or Love
    for she sent me the wrong way on a one way street.

    Me, Myself, I

    It's been another great week-end in the house. I didn't hear Phil Baker yesterday, I hear he was great, but I did hear Gary. And was the man on FIRE yesterday! I haven't heard him preaching that powerfully in ages. He spoke about dealing with 'Self', and the things we can do to facilitate the change from the old nature to the new nature.
    The things were:
    1) Desire Change
    2) Prayer
    3) The Word of God
    4) The House of God
    5) The Holy Spirit.

    Ok, so you need to WANT to change, otherwise you wont. That makes sense. Now we get to Prayer, the Word and the House. This, he said, should highlight the best AND the worst in you. He said that in these places you should realise what the worst in you is, so that you can start dealing with it, and subsequently bring out the best. How cool is that?
    He also said that God gave us the church so we could be in a place where it was safe to have the worst come out. A place where there would be no judgement, and the people around you would HELP you move forward, not hinder you. Boy, did religion ever get THAT wrong!!!
    And then comes the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the counsellor (you'll need one when you realise how much is actually wrong in your life... ;) ) and as such helps empower us to make the changes that need to be made.

    It was a really good message actually, one that got me thinking about many things, and that is always good. ;)

    Then afterward we had a coffee team farewell for Mani who is moving to Berlin this week. It was a bittersweet moment as saying good bye always sucks, but we were all really excited about the great plans God has for his life!

    Saturday, May 06, 2006


    Well, it's Saturday morning and I'm off to work in a few minutes. So far the week-end has started of really great- we had Hillsong life at a bar in Soho called Bertorelli. Really nice place- it was used in the film 'Sliding Doors'.

    Today looks like a beautiful day, which, hopefully will continue so we can start enjoying the summer!
    I am somewhat sleep deprived at the momnet, as this week I couldn't seem to get to bed before about 1am, so hopefully after work I will be able to get some down time and maybe, just maybe, catch up on some sleep.

    Looking forward to a great day tomorrow at church with Phil Baker speaking and bringing a few 'movie messages' our way. Last year we had Finding Nemo and Moulin Rouge. I'm wondering what we have this year...???
    Anyway, that was just a quick update, I'll be back soon, so WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!

    Wednesday, May 03, 2006

    Above All Else

    I was just thinking about the song by David Gray- Babylon. Lately it seems I am finding God in every aspect of life, more so than ever before.
    Take a look at this:

    'Friday night
    I'm going nowhere
    All the lights are changing green to red
    Turning over TV stations
    Situations running through my head
    Well looking back through time
    You know it's clear that I've been blind
    I've been a fool
    To ever open up my heart
    To all that jealousy,
    that bitterness,
    that ridicule.'

    Now, doesn't that remind you of Proverbs? 'Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.'
    Hmmm... Nice one Dave!
    Pretty impressive, I'd say.

    Monday, May 01, 2006

    Colour Pics

    Wow, what an amazing week-end! It's been life changing and inspiring. It was also such a great time hanging out with friends and just being with each other. The theme of the conference was basically 'Rise up, Rise up, Rise up.' About standing strong and reaching the potential God has placed in us. We saw so many lives changed! Here are just a few pitures to give you a taste. I can't really go into more detail, else I'd be writing a book to say everything that happened.

    She Is... The point of Colour is placing value upon Womanhood. In a completely Non-feminist way. It's all about considering that in many parts of the world women are abused and suppressed and treated like they mean absolutely nothing. Colour is about changing that mindset. She is Risen, Empowered and Beautiful to the Core.

    Colour places value on friendship and partnership. We understand that we were not designed to do life alone, and we are more likely to reach our potential when we come alongside other like-minded people.

    One of the focus points was called 'Kindness in Action' which gave us opportunity to contribute to one of many organizations we partner with to try and make a difference in the world. Compassion allows us to sponsor children in various parts of the world, especially in Uganda and Rwanda. These pink and blue cards represent children who were sponsored during the conference. By the end of Saturday the wall was full up. We sponsored about 200 children over the 2 days!

    Beautiful. Just beautiful.