Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Joseph Addison

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Well, here we go for lastminute.com! The Greystoke Palace girls have been spontaneous and we are heading to Wales for the week-end. We found a beautiful little cottage in the Welsh countryside with absolutely stunning views by the looks of things!

Since Anneke has a pool car for work we're driving up, which is even better! So after work on Friday we're jumping in the car and heading off on the A40 for a nice quiet week-end. It's more of a farewell anyway as Katie is leaving to ga back to Oz at the end of March, and this will be the last week-end we will all be together.

I am personally very excited about the SNOW that is supposed to be all over the show at the moment...maybe my white Christmas will be a white March. Nice for an early birthday present, I think!

Check out the scenery!

(I'll have to post my own photos so we can compare them...)

Monday, February 27, 2006

Teddy Bear's Picnic

If you go out in the woods today
You're sure of a big surprise.
If you go out in the woods today
You'd better go in disguise.

For every bear that ever there was
Will gather there for certain, because
Today's the day the teddy bears have their picnic.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

My Church, My Family

Over the past few months I have made mention quite often of things that we get up to at church and things that our Pastor has said, but I have not actually said much about church itself. I belong to the Hillsong Church London family, and I LOVE my church!

There are many reasons why I love my church, probably too many to mention, but I will tell you a little bit about it, and hopefully you will get some understanding.

I started going to Hillsong in March 2004. We were still meeting in the Mermaid Conference and Events Centre then, a theatre that seated about 600 people. The first time I walked through the doors I thought we had gone to the wrong place- the energy and excitement I felt the moment the doors were opened for us were not what I had been expecting. Not at church anyway. People were genuinely happy to see us, and they welcomed us into their house very graciously. Now, after spending a year in London it was something of a shock to walk into a room where people were actually FRIENDLY. They made eye contact and said hello. I almost didn't know how to respond as I had learned very quickly that if you make eye contact in London, or if you smile at people they think you are some kind of psychopath who wants to decapitate them or something. This is especially true on the underground!

Anyway, so there I was in a brighly lit foyer with great music and an amazing atmosphere, but best of all there was a big sign on the wall that said 'Welcome Home'. I nearly cried. I felt like I fit in, like I belonged, and I had only been there for 5 minutes. This was all before the service had even started.

After the first time, I could not keep myself away. I wanted to be there more than anything in the world and I found myself counting the days until Sunday. I was meeting amazing people every week and I was learning more about myself than I was necessarily comfortable with, but I could not bear to not be there. I felt at peace when I was at church and for the first time I knew what it meant to be in relationship with God. I was building realtionships with people who really believed in me and who wanted to see my life grow and flourish. People who did not feel threatened when I was doing well but were excited for me and with me. I started to see what it meant to be part of the family of Christ because these people were, in every aspect of the word, becoming my family. I was also learning that Christianity was about more than going to church on a Sunday, it was about every part of your life from Monday to Sunday and I learned that it was a walk that I could not walk alone. I started to get involved in our midweek activities where I got to build my relationships with people around me and got to learn more about God and his Word. The thing I found most amazing was how the changes that were happening in my life were actually affecting other people in my world as well. The joy that was in me was rubbing off on my friends and work colleages - finally I was seeing what it meant to be salt and light.

The Worship Team

It is now 2 years on and I can tell you that the last 2 years have been the best of my life. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's all been easy- in fact they have probably been the most challenging as well, but I have grown in the challenges and been stretched in the difficult times.

Just as my life has grown, so has the church and we now meet in the Dominion Theatre in central London - a great theatre that seats about 2200 people. I cannot imagine what life would have been like had I not gotten into such a fantastic church where I hear great teaching every week and where I have the opportunity to contribute to the house of God with my time and my resources. I love that there is such a sense of ownership in our house. Every person plays a role in making the week and week-end work, whatever that looks like. You may contribute with your time, with your finance, by bringing people along or quite simply just by your enthusiasm.

The Dominion Theatre

Another thing is that by being able to serve the vision in our church has enabled me to begin to realise my own dreams. Realising that God has a plan and a purpose for my life has allowed me to dream things that I would never have allowed myself to do before. Knowing that he wants to give me the desires of my heart and that he plans things for me that no mind has ever imagined has given me a boldness in my approach to life. In fact, I almost feel that it's an insult to God to NOT dream big dreams, because he desires great things for us, not a life of mediocrity.

Hillsong United

Though probably the biggest lesson I have learned yet is that my life goes beyond myself. I am not here to appease myself (or people, for that matter). I was created by God and for God. My purpose is to be in relationship with him and to help other people get in relationship with him. I would never have learnt that by myself, without other people. So basically I have come to grips with the two most important commandments- Love God and Love people.
I guess in a lot of ways our mission statement has become my mission statement, and our vision has become my vision. Though my guess is that that is exactly how it is supposed to be.

Hills Mission Statement:
To reach and influence the world by building a large Bible-based church, changing mindsets and empowering people to lead and impact in every sphere of life.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Esse Quam Videri

I came across this postcard yesterday:

At first I just noticed it because I like the photograph, and the inscription was beautiful. Then I noticed the bottom... Esse Quam Videri. Latin. I didn't know what it meant, so I looked it up on Google, and the meaning literally rocked me: To Be rather than to Seem. Wow. Wouldn't that be great in every aspect of life? In how many situations do we try to seem to be that which we are not?

What are you? I mean REALLY? Not what do you seem to be. Not what do you project yourself into, but really honestly what are you?

And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the Lord:
And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them.
-- Exodus 6: 2-3 (KJV)

God is the Great I AM. He simply is. Jehovah: I am that I am.

Don't you long for a sense of being as strong as that? Don't you wish that your identity was unquestionable because you simply are? I am at a place now where I am wanting to strip away anything that isn't as it seems because I long for the freedom of being what I am, or at least becoming what I am.

God's Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children.
--Romans 8:16 (MSG)

That is who I am. And you know what? Nothing else matters.

To Be Rather Than To Seem

All is not as it seems.
Perfection doesn't arrive wrapped up in a package
waiting eagerly to be opened
and worn over the drabness of life.
I cannot see what I am
therefore I am what I see.
My smile laughs back at me, knowing the truth
about the lie I make myself believe
to sleep at night.
Can the veil be removed so I can see clearly
or will my vision always be blurred?

I have a dream:
Esse Quam Videri.

21 Feb. 06

Monday, February 20, 2006

Hey Saatchi!

Baby Saatchen

Hmmm... Nando's are putting some interesting things on the menu these days... Saathchi Burger and chips. Hehehe.

Friday, February 17, 2006


You reached for me and brushed my heart and
where you touched you stuck.
Your fingerprints engraved upon the surface of my soul
grew to be a part of me –
in time
your touch was mine.
Your presence
no longer questioned but embraced as though my own.


Tell Me

Speak to me
of dreams and fears and hopes and doubts.
Show me the you that you’re afraid of.
This tide runs deep enough to cover your iniquities
for love believes the best of everyone.
What wakes you in the middle of the night
frantic in a cold sweat
or stills the rushing of your blood?
What thoughts creep, uninvited, through the depths
of your restless mind?
Perfection makes not a man of you
nor imperfection a beast.
Where grace abounds there’s no distinction
‘tween man or beast, there’s only us.
You and I. And life.
Though life would have us believe that we are polar-
north not destined to need south.
Points separated by the void. But what
if we were north the same as south- not destined to repel
but to attract, would that wake you in the night?

Speak to me
of dreams and fears and hopes and doubts.
Show me the you that you’re afraid of.


Thursday, February 16, 2006

What a Laugh!

Do you have a few minutes? Can I recommend something that will make you smile? It made me laugh out loud! Check out this blog - click on the 'Don't Click Here' button and see what happens... Hahaha!

The Messes of Me

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A Lineage of Grace

So I just finished this book today, it's called
A Lineage of Grace, by Francine Rivers. It's basically an omnibus, made up of 5 stories of 5 different women in the bible: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary. The stories focus on how these 5 women all had tremendous impact on their world and stood out in a time when women were not seen as being fit for much other than child bearing.

Tamar was betrayed by every man she ever needed to rely on, yet she put her faith in a God she knew nothing about but could not deny.
Rahab was a prostitute whose heart called out to the God of the Hebrews. She risked her life to protect the Israelite spies in the hope that God would redeem her.
Ruth left behind her family and everything she knew to follow her mother-in-law to a life of seeming destruction because she trusted that God could always turn any situation around.
Bathsheba was an adulteress who loved a King and betrayed a nation, but her trust in God and his goodness allowed her to raise a King even greater and wiser than David.
Mary was a peasant girl whose desire to please God allowed her to bear a Son who would be the Light of the world.

All of these women knew hardship. They knew heartache and fear and pain. They were scorned and ridiculed and looked down on. But they did not bow to their circumstances. They would not allow perceptions to govern them and they fought for what they believed in. I read their stories and feel shamed at my own selfishness. I do not face the obstacles they did - I would not be stoned for commiting adultery, or be put on the shelf I did not have a husband or a son to look after me, yet I am so quick to complain when things don't go the way I want them to. I condemn easily and forgive grudgingly. And yet I am encouraged when I read these stories, because every one of these women faced internal struggles and battles, and they did not have victory every time they faced opposition, but God saw fit to use them to change the course of history. Every one of them is in the lineage of Jesus Christ. Because they were willing to be used and shaped for whatever was in their future they played key roles in the worlds they were part of, and they even merit mentioning in the bible. Now THAT'S what I call a legacy.

So maybe I DON'T need to be perfect for God to use me...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."
John 4:13-14

for he satisfies the thirsty

and fills the hungry with good things.
Psalm 107:9

For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants.
Isaiah 44:3

"Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.’’
Isaiah 55:1

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Matthew 5:6

Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.

John 6:35


Well, just a bit of silliness, really, but according to the Belief-O-Matic quiz found on the Beliefnet website, my most suited religion is Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant. Check out the rest of these scores:

1. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (100%)
2. Eastern Orthodox (99%)
3. Roman Catholic (99%)
4. Orthodox Quaker (92%)
5. Seventh Day Adventist (83%)
6. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (67%)
7. Orthodox Judaism (61%)
8. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (56%)
9. Hinduism (54%)
10. Islam (52%)
11. Sikhism (47%)
12. Liberal Quakers (45%)
13. Jehovah's Witness (42%)
14. Unitarian Universalism (37%)
15. Reform Judaism (37%)
16. Bah�'� Faith (33%)
17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (33%)
18. New Thought (28%)
19. Scientology (28%)
20. Neo-Pagan (27%)
21. Mahayana Buddhism (24%)
22. Theravada Buddhism (23%)
23. Jainism (20%)
24. New Age (19%)
25. Secular Humanism (16%)
26. Nontheist (15%)
27. Taoism (13%)

Some interesting thoughts in there, huh?

Check out Amy's scores as well: Scores

Monday, February 13, 2006

I'm Back!

Well, I haven't posted for a few days the reason being that I've been really busy, but also I was under the weather last week. But have no fear- I'm back and, hopefully, I'm better than ever. Don't get me wrong, I fully appreciate that being better than ever may be a bit of a long shot, but I'll probably be just as good, anyway. ;-)

So, quick recap of the last few days: Monday I was off sick, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday sort of passed in a bit of a blur and then Friday hit! YAY! But the bummer of it was that there was Sports Life on Friday...Netball! And I was in absolutely no state to play any sport of any kind, so I did the one thing I knew would keep me off the court... I stayed away completely. I didn't particularly want my housemates to have phone up my mum and inform her that due to my own Stupidity I was now in bed and suffering from Pneumonia. So I went to Janet's place instead. She was working from home on Friday and said I should go over so she could nurse me. Don't you just love that? I pitched at hers and literally passed out on the couch for the rest of the day. Then Tamara joined us later and we watched Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I haven't laughed and cringed so much in ages. It was good, no great actually.

Tam and I left there at about 11:30 and headed back home to bed, where I stayed until midday on Saturday. What a luxury! It did the trick though, and I felt almost like myself again by Saturday evening.

Saturday was rounded off with an interesting passtime: Bowling. Yup, good ol' Ten Pin. It was such a laugh!!!! Know why? I have discovered that I SUCK at bowling! I mean SUCK at it! I sent more balls down the gutter than anything else, it was hilarious. Lucky for me I was not the only one who sucked, we all pretty much did. There were about 2 out of the 9 people there who could put a decent score up. I did, however, score a STRIKE! Yay for me... even if it was only one. Afterwards I had to try and redeem myself with some airhockey and pool, which didn't go too badly. All in all I'd say it was a pretty successful 2 days. Let's hope there will be more like them in the near future.

London By Night

There is something magical about London at night. It's a great city in the daytime with people milling and buzzing and all of them intent on their own work and their own world, but by night it simply transforms. I'm not quite sure what it is, but something happens when the sun sets and all the lights come on that simply makes this an enchanting place. It's like the buzz of day changes slowly from a buzz to a melody. The air has a new expectation, a refreshing whiff that has nothing to do with the smells of the city as much as the smells of its people and...LIFE. Night time in London posesses a certain energy that is enticing and exciting, yet not overwhelming.

Whatever it is, there is something special about this place after sunset.

Oxford Street Sunset

Picadilly Circus

The Embankment

A church on Marylebone Road

The Eye and Embankment

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Isaiah 62:1-7

Because I love Zion, because my heart yearns for Jerusalem, I cannot remain silent. I will not stop praying for her until her righteousness shines like the dawn, and her salvation blazes like a burning torch.

The nations will see your righteousness. Kings will be blinded by your glory. And the LORD will give you a new name. The LORD will hold you in his hands for all to see--a splendid crown in the hands of God. Never again will you be called the Godforsaken City or the Desolate Land. Your new name will be the City of God's Delight and the Bride of God, for the LORD delights in you and will claim you as his own. Your children will care for you with joy, O Jerusalem, just as a young man cares for his bride. Then God will rejoice over you as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride.

O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray to the LORD day and night for the fulfillment of his promises. Take no rest, all you who pray. Give the LORD no rest until he makes Jerusalem the object of praise throughout the earth.

Isaiah 62:1-7

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Watoto Kids

How beautiful are these kids? We had our 'Orphans to Rescue' week-end at church this week-end past. It was beautiful and moving, and we were looking at the impact we can have as a church in Uganda where we have partnered with Compassion and Watoto Children's Ministries to sponsor kids, in Rwanda with Hope Rwanda and Compassion, and in Mumbai alongside Pastor Biju Thampi.

It is inspiring to see what a difference we can make when we partner with other people to achieve the same goal. These kids from Watoto are from Uganda and have all been orphaned due to HIV/AIDS. They have been taken into the care of Watoto and are now flourishing in so many ways. The kids choir travels around the world bringing awareness of the reality of HIV/AIDS, but also of the hope that Jesus has given them.

I'm so excited to see what we can do in the future to make a difference in the lives of these kids... 'Because We Can!'

For more Info See:
Hope Rwanda

Friday, February 03, 2006

Hillsong and the BBC

Check out this link from todays BBC news magazine website:

Theatre of God

As much as I'm excited by the article and the fact that people are starting to take notice, why is it that there's always the debate about finance? Besides, if you're going to be critical, at least make sure you get your facts straight, huh?

But hey - we must be doing something right, cause the people won't stop coming!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Isaiah 40:26

Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars?
He brings them out one after another, calling each by its name. And he counts them to see that none are lost or have strayed away.
Isaiah 40:26

Psalm 35:1-3

O LORD, oppose those who oppose me.
Declare war on those who are attacking me.
Put on your armor, and take up your shield.
Prepare for battle, and come to my aid.
Lift up your spear and javelin
and block the way of my enemies.
Let me hear you say,
"I am your salvation!"
Psalm 35:1-3

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A Bed, A Bed, my Kingdom for a BED!

I have probably mentioned this before, but there is not much time for sleep in our house. Not when there are so many other things that need to happen. Mostly there are conversations that have to happen and they always seem to happen when we are just about getting ready to go to dreamland. So our most productive conversation time is between midnight and 1 am in the mornings. In the past this hasn't really caused too much worry, other than the usual grogginess and occasional cases of dozing on the train to and from work. Nothing to really worry about. Then the inevitable happened: I read an article that freaked me out. This article spoke about the importance of sleep in our daily lives. How our bodies detoxify when we are asleep, and so we can literally wake up FRESH in the morning. Yikes! I have not slept enough in months. If my body detoxifies when I am asleep, and I haven't been giving it the time it needs, my reasoning tells me that Toxins are mounting up in my body. I am becoming a toxic wasteland! For all I know I may even become radioactive.

So, in my desire to preserve the best interests of those around me, I have decided that I need to take the rest of the week off and sleep until Monday. I do not want to be the cause of toxic poisoning of the people in my world. I am a walking health and safety hazard! Like the labels on the medication bottles read: Do not operate heavy machinery after use. Well, in your case, do not operate ANYTHING if you have been in my presence for more than 5 minutes. Just run away and go straight to bed!

And you thought YOU had problems!?!

My Character Profile In Medieval Times

Right, so here we go with blog challenge number 2: Write a character profile for yourself if you had lived in medieval times. Maybe this sounds simple- but give it a try, I think I may have shot myself in the foot with this one!

Name: Princess Marla of Skye, also known affectionately as the Dragon Princess.

Physical Characteristics:

Hair Colour: Brownish with blond streaks.
Eye Colour: Sea Green
Height: 5ft 8"
Dress Size: 10 (we did say this was another century, right?)


Getting into crazy adventures like defending innocent citizens from hard-nosed smugglers; Sleeping in the mountains under the starts;
Flying my dragon from place to place discovering new civilizations;


Being seen as a defenseless girl;
Life at court;
My corset;
Nobles with high esteems of themselves;

Leather underwear ( I don't care WHAT era I come from, I will never get into those Xena style underwear thingies!!!!)

One day when I grow up I want to be like:
Eowyn (Lord of The Rings)

Quick reminder:

'Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!'
'But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Eowyn am I, Eomond's daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin.' ...

So. That's a basic profile. There's much room for improvement, I know, but it's a start. Your turn Amy...