
Well, here we go for! The Greystoke Palace girls have been spontaneous and we are heading to Wales for the week-end. We found a beautiful little cottage in the Welsh countryside with absolutely stunning views by the looks of things!

Since Anneke has a pool car for work we're driving up, which is even better! So after work on Friday we're jumping in the car and heading off on the A40 for a nice quiet week-end. It's more of a farewell anyway as Katie is leaving to ga back to Oz at the end of March, and this will be the last week-end we will all be together.
I am personally very excited about the SNOW that is supposed to be all over the show at the moment...maybe my white Christmas will be a white March. Nice for an early birthday present, I think!

Check out the scenery!

(I'll have to post my own photos so we can compare them...)