Everything that is new or uncommon raises a pleasure in the imagination, because it fills the soul with an agreeable surprise, gratifies its curiosity, and gives it an idea of which it was not before possessed. Joseph Addison

Monday, July 31, 2006

I'm Back

Well, this is my first post from SA. As you can gather I made it here in one piece and actually had a good flight. I was up in the bubble on the 747, I dunno if you've ever flown there, but it's probably the best place you could possibly be as there are fewer seats and so more room. I was right up at the front, so no seats in front of me, and stax of legroom. I also had a window seat, and in the upper deck there are also luggage compartments on the sides, which means I had a great foot rest as well. Perfect.

I didn't sleep much, only about an hour, but that was ok. I saw the most incredible sunrise! I always love sunrise or sunset from the air, but this was particularly beautiful. The sky started to go really deep blue, and then a slight silvery line appeared on the horizon. From there the colour exploded like fire. First light yellow then orange then red... fading to green and blue at the end. Pretty soon the whole spectrum was there, like a huge horizontal rainbow: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red... they were all there. I sat and watched it and wondered how anyone could ever see something like that and not believe in God? How could something that amazing 'just happen'? I complimented God on a beautiful job, to which he replied 'This one's for you, my baby.' My first sunrise in a new season, and it was spectacular.

So I'm here at my brother's place at the moment and we've just been chilling. It's been great hanging out with them for a change. We had a Braai (BBQ) last night and the food was brilliant. I forgot how good meat is in SA.

The weather has been beautiful, considering it's winter. Evenings are cool, but the days are amazing. I've been going around in pretty much summer gear.

Tonight I'm cooking, and I'm making sweet and sour chicken and cashew nut stir-fry with rice, and I made a fridge tart for dessert. Yum.

Well, on that note, I had better go get started on the food, else we won't eat tonight.

I'm here for another week, so I'll be back soon with more news.

(Oh, and a quick added PS, Fridge Tart is a dessert that is well known and loved in South Africa. There are many varieties, but basically it is a sweet tart that needs to be refridgerated. I made a very simple VERY sweet one with Coconut biscuits, condensed milk with lemon juice and caramel, topped with peach slices... I can hear the ooooh's and aaaaah's as you appreciate the wonder of that!)

Friday, July 28, 2006

It's the Final Countdown

OMG, I have 19 hours left in London! EEEEEEK! Don't get my wrong, I'm stoked about the next season, but... FAR OUT, this is the end of a 3 year season. It's been a heck of a journey, and it finished on such a high! Tonight was the perfect finish. The girls took me to the theatre and we saw the Rat Pack. It was GREAT! And I was so blown away, cause I didn't know what we were going to see as none of the girls really like Jazz, but because they know how much I love it, they all sat through 2.5 hours of Frank Sindatra, Sammy Davis Jr and Dean Martin. THAT is real love!

We then walked along the river to Westminster and came home. It was perfect weather, and the lights on the river were amazing, as always. All in all it was the best way I could ever have finished.

I'm now going to sort through the last of my photos and stuff so that in the morning I can just pack my last stuff into boxes, get ready, and head to the airport.
So here are the photos from tonight. The next time you hear from me will probably be from JHB at my brother's place and I will be able to tell you all about the flight and all those marvellous things.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Lion King

Went to see Lion King tonight, and it was really fantastic! It made me miss Africa so much, the music and the dancing and the languages... I'm looking forward to being back there for a few months. There si something magical about Africa that always stays with you, no matter where you go.

Here are a few of the pics from tonight, the show and walking around in London after to get to the tube. It's been a great night, the weather was amazing. On the way home there was some serious lightning happening- I hope we have a thunderstorm tonight. It'll break the heat a bit.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My Last Sunday

So Sunday was my last day at church. And it was a really good day! It was also a day I will never forget. We arrived for the first service, everything got started, the music the atmosphere... church was on. Then, Tim did the altar call. It was powerful (it is also usually at the end of the service, nit the beginning) and lots of people got saved. I had goosebumps and tears and all that stuff.

Then we kept worshipping- I lift my hands to the heavens, for the Lord our God is here...

And then it goes dark. No house lights, no stage lights, no amps.... no power. But the drums kept going, and the crowd kept singing. Louder and louder, more and more powerful until I thought the roof would lift off the building and we would see God looking down on us. It was unreal!

And then Gary is standing in front of us, trying to get us to hush up so he can try and project his voice over 2500 people to tell us what was happening...
Please stay calm, there is no power in the building, we're not sure what happened yet.
Take a seat and remain quiet until we can tell you what needs to happen next.

This is a first.

Next thing one of the venue staff is on stage with a megaphone telling us in a high-pitched voice to please follow the instructions of the staff and evacuate the building. FOR REAL! We had to evacuate. (Thank God we had already done the altar call, huh?)

And so the first service could not continue. There were power cuts throughout central London and there was nothing we could do. Whole city blocks were dark. We could only hope that there would be power later on for the afternoon services.
We went for lunch in the park and hung out with mates. and half and hour before the 4:30 service was due, we got the ok that things could go ahead. PHEW! I was really nervous that I might not make it to church on my last day... THAT would have sucked! But all went well, services were great and saying goodbye was not as bad as I thought. God's peace was with me in a big way.

So now I need to finish packing my boxes today and tomorrow, and watch Lion King tonight and another show with the girls tomorrow, then Friday I hop on a plane... Wow. But you know what? I'm ok with it. I wasn't before, but I'm really looking forward to what's coming.

So, it's you and me God... BRING IT ON!

My Last 'Welcome Home'

The Beautiful Peeps in the Auditorium

Word Verification?

Ok, so any of you who have tried to comment on this blog and many other blogs will have come across something known as 'Word Verification'. This little tool is marvelous in the blogging community as it blocks computer generated spam comments. The last thing we want on our blogs are sleazy comments from people who don't even read what we write! I do, however, have ONE gripe... Why is it called WORD verification? I have never had to actually had to verify a WORD, just garbled text. The last 'word' I had was KYRNPVC. Now I don't speak Russian, but even if I did I don't think I would find that in their vocabulary! So here's a thought: Word Verification 2006: Encouragement Version.

Scenario: Someone wants to leave a comment on a blog, they type their comment and post. Word Verification 2006: Encouragement Version kicks in with 'Please verify the word in the box below'
And in the box:
Have a nice day!
You're beautiful!
or something.
Wouldn't that be better than nonexistant Russian words?
I think I'm onto something here...

Friday, July 21, 2006


The curtain slowly falls and the house lights are turned up. There stands the lone figure... applauding the crowd.

It is the end of an era.

Today was my farewell. It was a really good day. We has STAX of food, great weather (even the hour of rain was great because it cooled things down significantly) and best of all, good friends. It was a day of hanging out. I loved it.

I'm sitting in the lounge now and all the people have gone, we've cleaned up and most of the house have either gone to bed or are on their way, so I'm sitting on the floor listening to Counting Crows (probably not the best choice right now) and wondering what this is that I'm feeling. I have the uncomfortable thought that I am avoiding what my heart is telling me, and that is always dangerous as it has a way of exploding in your face. I am not sure if I want to laugh or cry or scream so I do none of them. My head is holding on to the promises of God and the knowledge that He is in control. That His plans are for good and not for evil and that he has great designs on my life:

Joshua 1:3-7
I promise you what I promised Moses: `Everywhere you go, you will be on land I have given you' No one will be able to stand their ground against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you. "Be strong and courageous, for you will lead my people to possess all the land I swore to give their ancestors. Be strong and very courageous.

My head KNOWS this but my heart seems to be avoiding the subject completely.
Tomorrow is my last day at church. That sounds so final: my LAST Sunday. Oh there it goes... what was that? My heart twinged just then. Maybe it's not avoiding the subject, maybe I am avoiding the subject.

It is not love we fear, but the absence of love.

But I am encouraged by something I realised recently:

Psalm 84 :6 When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs, where pools of blessing collect after the rains!

Do you see that? The weeping does not necessarily cease, but there is blessing to be found in the Valley. We learn to take joy in our sorrows, because we understand the blessing that comes from going through these things. Interesting.
So when I start losing it tomorrow I'll remember that. It's all building my character.

Now, before I get even more random (and I think this is the most random I have been so far...) I'm gonna post some photo's from today.
I will attempt to have future posts make more sense.

Hi girls! Smile!

Inside, out of the rain.

The Matrix: Dodge This!

Reservoir Dogs

Monna and Ayesha... uhm, yeah.

Hours of Entertainment

I think they might be bored...?

Spot the Maniac

Ok, so you're gonna miss me!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Okay, I TOTALLY stole the title of this post from Clovergirl, but it was such a cool title I just had to use it. I thought I would dedicate this post to a few of my blogger buddies and have


featuring the wit and wisdom of

Amy: Clovergirl
Sarah: Sez
Tate: Tato Fantastico
Zoe: Just plain Zoe

Now these are not all the people in our blogging community, but then I didn't think you wanted to be here for hours reading through blog by blog by blog. So I had to choose a few. That's life I'm afraid. For a full ist please see the right hand sidebar under 'Wisdom of People in My Life'.

These guys have some fabulous posts, some HILARIOUS, some thoughful, some weird and other just plain RANDOM. But this is them in their finest hour, so check them out, leave a comment or two (your 2 cents worth is always appreciated, or in England it's Tuppence).

They'll make you laugh, they'll make you scratch your chin in wonder and they'll most likely make you shake your head in disbelief. Check them out, they're a pretty cool bunch.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My Sophisticated Diet

Forget the Atkins Diet, forget Jordan Ruben's Daniel diet, forget any diet you've ever heard of- I have a whole new concespt on dieting, and this is what it looks like:
So far today I have had:

* 1 Starbucks Grande Latte
* 1 Starbucks Blueberry Muffin
* 1 Cup of Coffee upon arrival at work
* About 2 litres of Water
* 1/2 a Packet of Carrs Cheese Melts
* 1 Tesco Ploughman's Sandwich
* 1 Tesco Fruit Salad
* 1 Orange Callipo Frozen Lolly

It's a revolution! (that's my new favourite word. I didn't have a favourite word before, but it's the new one.) No more eating what other people tell you- eat what you feel like!
(ok- we'll see how long this lasts... I'm hoping that like most diet fads this will pass soon... else I might have some trouble getting into my clothes in the not too distant future.)

Monday, July 17, 2006

London Weather


5 Day forecast

(Go figure that I'm leaving the good weather behind...)

Everything - Lifehouse

Read the lyrics. It says it all. This is in response to Tato's post Random Thoughts

Find Me Here
Speak To Me
I want to feel you
I need to hear you
You are the light
That's leading me
To the place where I find peace again.

You are the strength, that keeps me walking.
You are the hope, that keeps me trusting.
You are the light to my soul.
You are my purpose...you're everything.

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

You calm the storms, and you give me rest.
You hold me in your hands, you won't let me fall.
You steal my heart, and you take my breath away.
Would you take me in? Take me deeper now?

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Cause you're all I want, You're all I need
You're everything,everything
You're all I want your all I need
You're everything, everything.
You're all I want you're all I need.
You're everything, everything
You're all I want you're all I need, you're everything, everything.

And How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Fight like a Girl

We had a women's day today with Lisa Bevere as guest speaker. It was my first time hearing her speak and OH MY WORD! She rocks! She's into bikes and surfing and skiing and cool stuff like that. And she is a formidable speaker. Another facet of the diamond of women in the Kingdom. She spoke about women needing to be women and men needing to be men. About the 'Battle of the Sexes' being a result of the fall when we started contending with each other, not being allied with each other. What she spoke about came out of her book 'Fight like a Girl', which I bought, because I think there are some mindsets that may possibly (ahem... okay, definitely) need to change in that area of my life.

It was amazing though, because some of the stuff that she spoke about was what God spoke to me about in March last year. About coming from a position of who you are. Knowing who you are and so releasing others to be who they are supposed to be. I was struggling with my identity last year. REALLY struggling. I knew that there was a HUGE dream in my heart but I had no idea how the outworking of that would happen, because I had no idea who I wanted to be. (forget who God had created me to be, at that point it was all about ME...) But as I was wrestling with God about it He really revealed some pretty powerful stuff. This is what I wrote as he was speaking to me:

'God, who am I?  What do you think of me?  What is my real name?   
You are my Wallace.'

'Ego numquam pronunciare mendacium, sed ego sum homo indomitus.'

(I never tell lies, but I am a savage.)

(From Waking the Dead, by John Eldredge)

God, who am I?

A cold voice answered: 'Come not between the Nazgul and his prey!
Or he
will not slay thee in thy turn. He will bear thee away to the
house of
lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy flesh shall
be devoured and
thy shrivelled mind be left naked to the Lidless Eye.'

A sword rang as it was drawn.
'Do what you will; but I will hinder it,
if I may.'

'Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man may hinder me!'


'But no living man am I! You look upon a woman.
Eowyn am I, Eomond's
You stand between me and my lord and kin.'


A little to the left facing them stood she whom he had
called Dernhelm.
But the helm of her secrecy had fallen from her,
and her bright hair,
released from its bonds, gleamed with pale
gold upon her shoulders. Her
eyes grey as the sea were hard and fell,
and yet tears were on her
cheek. A sword was in her hand,
and she raised her shield against the
horror of her enemy's eyes.
Eowyn it was, and Dernhelm also.


Suddenly the great beast beat its hideous wings, and the wind
of them
was foul. Again it leapt into the air, and then swiftly
fell down upon
Eowyn shrieking, striking with beak and claw.
Still she did not
blench: maiden of the Rohirrim,
child of kings, slender but as a steel blade,
fair but terrible.
A swift blow she dealt, skilled and deadly.


Then tottering, struggling up, with her last strength she drove her
sword between crown and mantle, as the great shoulders bowed before her.

The sword broke sparkling into many shards.

(From The Lord of the Rings, Return of the King,
The Battle of Pelennor

Eowyn. Daughter of Kings. Hope of her people. Woman, princess...
Warrior. She knew herself, saw the warrior that
no-one would allow her to be
because she was a woman.
She knew her destiny was on the field of battle

with her king. Forced to be what she was not,
forced to disguise
herselfto get to the place her heart
longed to be. Now not Lady Eowyn, but
nobleman Dernhelm.
And yet, when her moment came, when she met her
it was who she was that saved her, not who she pretended to be.

'the helm of her secrecy had fallen from her.'
When she met her foe the
pretence could not save her, but herself could.
Her confidence in who
she was: a woman, a princess, a WARRIOR.

God, who am I? What do you think of me? What is my real name?

You are my Eowyn.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Father's Love Letter

This is a beautiful letter from the heart of God to you. Check the website for printable versions and cards and free resources: Father's Love Letter

My Child

You may not know me, but I know everything about you. Psalm 139:1

I know when you sit down and when you rise up. Psalm 139:2

I am familiar with all your ways. Psalm 139:3

Even the very hairs on your head are numbered. Matthew 10:29-31

For you were made in my image. Genesis 1:27

In me you live and move and have your being. Acts 17:28

For you are my offspring. Acts 17:28

I knew you even before you were conceived. Jeremiah 1:4-5

I chose you when I planned creation. Ephesians 1:11-12

You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book. Psalm 139:15-16

I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live. Acts 17:26

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14

I knit you together in your mother's womb. Psalm 139:13

And brought you forth on the day you were born. Psalm 71:6

I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me. John 8:41-44

I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love. 1 John 4:16

And it is my desire to lavish my love on you. 1 John 3:1

Simply because you are my child and I am your Father. 1 John 3:1

I offer you more than your earthly father ever could. Matthew 7:11

For I am the perfect father. Matthew 5:48

Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand. James 1:17

For I am your provider and I meet all your needs. Matthew 6:31-33

My plan for your future has always been filled with hope. Jeremiah 29:11

Because I love you with an everlasting love. Jeremiah 31:3

My thoughts toward you are countless as the sand on the seashore. Psalms 139:17-18

And I rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

I will never stop doing good to you. Jeremiah 32:40

For you are my treasured possession. Exodus 19:5

I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul. Jeremiah 32:41

And I want to show you great and marvelous things. Jeremiah 33:3

If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me. Deuteronomy 4:29

Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

For it is I who gave you those desires. Philippians 2:13

I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine. Ephesians 3:20

For I am your greatest encourager. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you. Psalm 34:18

As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart. Isaiah 40:11

One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes. Revelation 21:3-4

And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth. Revelation 21:3-4

I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus. John 17:23

For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed. John 17:26

He is the exact representation of my being. Hebrews 1:3

He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you. Romans 8:31

And to tell you that I am not counting your sins. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled. 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you. 1 John 4:10

I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love. Romans 8:31-32

If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me. 1 John 2:23

And nothing will ever separate you from my love again. Romans 8:38-39

Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen. Luke 15:7

I have always been Father, and will always be Father. Ephesians 3:14-15

My question is…Will you be my child? John 1:12-13

I am waiting for you. Luke 15:11-32

Love, Your Dad

David Crowder Band

These guys are the absolute BEST! They are pure musical GENNI! Voted MSN artist of the month for July, they even beat Nelly Furtado. Their new album 'B Collision' is a collection of 'A Collision' songs remade. If you want to hear a different take on Christian music, these guys are the way forward. They have powerful lyrics, a varied style and a fabulous look.

Check these links for more info:

David Crowder Band
David Crowder MySpace
David Crowder Blog

Seriously- go and get one of their albums, you WILL NOT be disappointed!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Photo Diary

This is almost a photo diary of the last few days... and my countdown to leaving on the 28th. I had my last Discovery this week, also my last connect group :( and I've had to start saying goodbye to people already. I don't do goodbye well. Had my 'farewell dinner' at work tonight, even though I'm still working until next Friday. My boss flies to Canada on Wed, so my last 3 days will be pretty carefree.

The Natural History Museum

The Diana Memorial Garden

Proud to be British

My last connect group, in Parson's Green

Saatchi: Look Ma, no hands!

The Man. Go Yas.

Monique and I, me and my self-portraits.

Yeah, I ordered the Chocolate, and Yeah, I'm gonna finish it.
I'm well impressed Em.

Tony: How do I work this thing????

Admit it- you're glad to see me go! :)

6 Months, 3 Continents,1 Excited Person

Well, this is not something I ever thought I'd be able to say, but in the next 6 months I'll be living on 3 different continents. In 3 fantastic cities.

I'll be in:




This is just such a dream come true, even thought it's a bit surreal, but I know that it's real God-opportunity and I am SO ready to start the new season. Will keep you posted on what's happening!


I was writing this post yesterday, and it was a LONG one. All about Gary's message on Sunday and then, guess what??? My PC crashed! It just stopped. Froze. Wouldn't do anything. At all. I had some charming thoughts and wonderful phrases started forming in my subconscious, most of them unpleasant and having something to do with a PC hard drive, a machete, petrol and a lit match... (you get the picture)

So I had to restart. You know, I never fully appreciated the wonder of the gmail 'draft autosave' until yesterday... when I realised that Blogger.com is not gmail and they do not have autosave. *Gulp* You guessed it (I hear that sharp intake of breath... the sheer horror and disbelief is felt even through the channels of cyberspace.) I lost it. ALL of it. Well, actually, I had the 1st paragraph saved, but hadn't bothered to save again. (And as I am typing this I'm thinking I should save this one before something happens to this as well.... hold on... OK, I saved it.) But you know how once you've spent all that time and energy typing and pouring your thoughts out once, you just can't seem to face it again? (thus the appeal of multi-person e-mails...) So I guess that means it's lost. Gone. Dead and buried. But I thought I might just pay it a tribute, since it was a LOT of typing to just go missing without anyone knowing about it.

To all you bloggers who have lost a post before....

This one's for you!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Talkin Bout A Revolution

Dont you know
They're talkin bout a revolution
It sounds like a whisper
Dont you know
They're talkin about a revolution
It sounds like a whisper.
Tracy Chapman

Cool song, huh? But that's not really what I'm on about. I talking more about revolution in my thinking. I had breakfast with a friend this morning, before work. Yes, BEFORE work. I got out of bed early to do this. I set my alarm last night thinking... Why am I doing this again? But you know what, I'm SO happy I did. I had the BEST time. We had the best conversation, and it started my day on such a high. It's a window of opportunity that I always thought was closed and painted shut, but I just found out that it actually swings open rather easily once it's unlatched. A whole new world has just opened before me- the 'Early Morning Breakfast' world. Perfect!

Revolution: n 1: a drastic and far-reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving.

Viva La Revolution!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Thought For The Day

"What good is the armour of God without the warrior on the inside?"
Phil Dooley

Friday, July 07, 2006

07/07 First Year Memorial

Today is 07/07. On this date last year the London bombs went off and shook up the city I call home. The terrorist bombs claimed the lives of 52 people. Today, one year later we observed a 2 minute silence in memorial of the victims and to honour the emergency service workers who were involved in their respective fields. The BBC website has a memorial page with photos and obituaries of the victims.

BBC News

Also, Virgin Radio, after observing the 2 minute silence played 3 songs that were requested by the families of the victims. Very suitable choices, I thought:
Something Inside So Strong, by Labi Siffre - Lyrics
Bridge Over Troubled Waters, by Simon & Garfunkel - Lyrics
Lean On Me, by Bill Withers - Lyrics

After that they played Fix You, by Coldplay. This is an amazing song:

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I

Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you.

So there we go. One year later and the city still stands. In fact, it stands stronger that ever before. Well done London. I'm so proud of you.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Band of Brothers

This is an amazing war documentary, in fact, I think it's possibly the best I've seen. I really should get hold of it watch it again. There is one scene where one of the men from Easy company quotes a part of William Shakespeare's Henry V. It is a scene that I always remember, one that seems so poignant and significant that it has to be true to our everyday life.

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whilst any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

--William Shakespeare

Don't you love that? I love the statement that the gentlemen now a-bed will call themselves accursed that they were not there, not part of the action. I almost feel like that's what a lot of Christians will be doing one day. They'll call themselves accursed that they did not get into the fray, get into the action. The battle is raging all around them, yet they are comfortably a-bed and not taking any interest or any part of it. The General is calling His troops to arms. He has taken a stand, His robe dipped in blood (Rev 19:13), and he is leading the way into the battle. He is calling us to stand, to take a firm grip with our tired hands and mark out a straight path for our feet so that those who follow, though they are tired and lame will not stumble, but will become strong. (Heb 12:12-13)

He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. (Luke 10:2-3)

We Few, we happy few, we Band of Brothers.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


It's SATURDAY!!!!!!
I'm off to Hyde Park now.
Ta-ta dahling...

London Pub Walk

A few of us went on a Pub Walk around London last night. It was really good. You have a tour guide and you visit about 4 pubs. You get history lessons along the way about the city and the pubs. It was along the Thames river, and the weather was PERFECT! We started at Blackfriars tube and then wandered along the South bank of the river and we ended up at Borough Market and London Bridge. We walked for over 2 hours, but it was great.

Kimberly is having her farewell in Hyde Park today, so going to be hanging out in the park (the weather is perfect for it) and chilling out together. She goes back to Canada on Tuesday. Funny enough today is Canada day, so HAPPY CANADA DAY to all of you.

Enjoy the pics.

Marcia, Brett, Yumi, Ayesha, Jake, Mandy, Cherie

Shakespeare's Globe Theatre

Brett, Mandy, Marcia

Millenium Bridge and St. Paul's